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Silicone Edge Graphics  / SEGs


For many years, I looked for a way to replicate images I created digitally. There are qualities unique to printed and painted pieces, but that color space differs completely from a computer display. I looked for a technology that would replicate the viewing experience of a digital display but not be in the digital realm. Silicon Edged Graphics, SEGs, are that technology. The dye sublimation printing process, combined with back lit LED technology, looks as luminescent and vibrant as a computer display but its analogue technology.


There’s always a translation when going from the display screen to a print. Paintings and printed work are reflective medium. Light shines on them. Materials like metallic paint and gold leaf are very effective in traditional picture making, as are rough textured surfaces.


The image on the display is akin to stained class. Colors are luminescent and appear to be, like stained glass, lit from behind. Unlike stained glass, SEGs don’t need to be in a darkened room. They retain their luminosity in well lit spaces.


Stained glass must be seen in person to fully appreciate its beauty. The same holds true for


SEGs. Once you photograph a stained glass window or an SEG, you’re one step removed. It’s akin


to a recording of a live music event. Once it’s recorded, it’s no longer live.


My SEGs are manufactured by portoDisplays in Toronto, Canada.



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